Wednesday, July 9

time for a re-post!

Wut is a PETER PAN SYNDROME? PPS or Peter Pans, according to Dan Diley are men who have NEVER GROWN UP or REFUSE TO GROW UP. Dan said that those wit PPS are men who: -> are more keen on bein’ friendly to mere acquaintances than in showin’ love & concern fo’ tha family -> use “I don’t know” and “I don’t care” as their defense mechanisms. -> have social incapacity & emotional paralysis. -> sadness manifested as forc’d gaiety, childish pranks, or nervous laughter. -> impotent to deal wit an assertive female on equal footing & so dates women who are younger or whose actions suggest immaturity. -> say they love ya but can’t seem to remember how to express love. -> narcissism locks em inside themselves. -> get hostile when ya reflect on his defensiveness. -> successful in resistin’ help. -> rarely finish college in tha usual allotted time/believes they’re employ’d in tha wrong capacity but fails to do anything bout it but complain. -> often stingy ‘cept when it comes to their own indulgences. -> appear to have unexplain’d fears& lack self-confidence but refuse to talk bout it. -> accuses ya of getting too emotional while they appear to be above it all, sittin’ like a stone when you are angry. -> easily offended by jobs they see as beneath em. get into employment difficulty ‘coz of severe procrastination or become workaholics in an attempt to prove their worth. -> work hard to have fun @ parties & tend to push themselves beyond reasonable limits in participative sports. -> find it impossible to say they’re sorry & find it extremely difficult to express their feelings. -> operate wit prejudicial premises you’ll never understand thus you cannot successfully argue a point wit em. -> expresses concern ‘bout yer probs only after you’ve complain’d bout his indiff’rence. -> have lost touch wit their emotions & simply dunno wut they feel.

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