-=Tha Unkind Cat=-
I have 7 pet dogs, 6 pet cats that have about 20 pet fleas each, 3 pet roosters, 2 pet fishes, a pet lobster, and a pet rabbit. But ma fav’rite pet is Pikachu tha orange cat although I’m not sho’ if I’m his fav’rite master too. He is an okay cat. Some say the cutest. I’m not speakin’ to him today, though. Pikachu had been a bad bad pet lately. He been doin’ some pretty mean thangs to me recently. Me who rescues him from big bro’s kicks an’ me who likes him best. Wut Pikachu done is gone and went to cat heaven witout tellin’ me on a Monday morn. Ants had already gathered to feed on helpless Pikachu’s beautiful eyes which were frozen into a blank stare when I found him. Pikachu, tha cutest cat in tha world had gone and died on me. Had not even been sick tha previous day. How could a sweet cat be so unkind?
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