Saturday, January 18

Got # 3 on ma list… Thanks, Santa! =)
18 songs all in all. Tha burn’d CD contain’d songs I specifically ask’d for like:
1] Don’t Speak by No Doubt –this song reminds me of ma second year high school days when I wuz infatuated wit a boy call’d Jed and when Gwen Stefani wuz ma absolute goddess.
2] Comfort In Your Strangeness by Cynthia Alexander –no specific reason except I juz really dig this song, spesh tha violin.
3] Suddenly by Soraya –an easy listenin’ song that chills ma mind.
4] Need To Be Next To You by Leigh Nash –this song wuz a fave when I wuz in 2nd year college & I cut a class wit a friend, design’d a huge banner for her, and sneak’d into tha empty dorm of her boyfriend where we decorated his and a certain miserable person’s room and taped tha banner I made professin’ ma friend’s love fo’ her guy where he could see it before slippin’ back to school. t'was on V-day when ma own luvlife suck’d.
5] Each Time by E-17 –this song gives me good vibes. also reminds me of someone I met in college named Raniel whose fave song it is.
6] Swallowed by Bush –a song by my former goddess Gwen’s god Gavin who also became my temporary male god of music. it also reminds of an era when men sported danglin’ chains from their pants everywhere you look’d.
7] Hey Hey by Tonya –an LSS –infecting fast song.
It also contain’d:
8] Come Away With Me by Norah Jones –i prefer “Don’t Know Why” but sumthin’ went wrong wit tha copy Santa burn’d. At least it’s a song of tha same artist.
9] Buses and Trains by ? –i diden ask for this one but I liked it juz tha same.

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