Gentleman [not tha opening doors for you type]
A big turn-on for me, probably next to being sexily courageous and aggressive, is being a gentleman. And when I say gentleman, it’s not tha opening doors for you carrying things for you type although that constitutes extra points for me only if he’s also tha gentleman I’m talking about. Tha gentleman I’m talking about is tha one not ruled by wutz between his legs. Tis gentleman will not try to get into my pants tha first time he gets tha opportunity. Tis gentleman will not try to paw me, or bring any part of his body close to me, or in any way try to get close to me without ma permission. Tis gentleman won’t try to take advantage that we are close or we are friends nor try to take advantage becoz I don’t get mad easily and I trust him not to act libidinous towards me. Tis gentleman will take tha front seat next to tha driver and allow me my space at tha backseat and will know better than to physically try to be close to me unless I have stated clearly to him that I like him, too. Tis gentleman CAN KEEP HIS DISTANCE. And so if you’re a man, and you’re reading tis and you’re hoping that one day I might respect you or even like you. I have tis to say for you. BE A GENTLEMAN FIRST.
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