Saturday, November 7

I Haven't Blogged That Much

I know I haven't and I am feeling guilty about it. There used to be a time when I'd motivate myself to blog more by telling myself that I will only be allowed to use the internet (back in the dial-up internet card era) if I blog post something first. Hence, I was blogging every other day or 3x a week in the olden times. But now, apart from blog posts that I just do out of some sense of obligation, I haven't been posting much about myself really. And because of this lack of motivation to post. I find myself trying to understand... Why do I really blog in the first place and why -even if I haven't posted something for months and no one's really bothering me about it- is there a guilty feeling at the back of my head that I need to blog? And if I do post a blog, shall I post about my feelings of love? (Ugh, no! Not cheese again) About people who showed me love recently (Humble brag? Eeep!) About some random funny story that happened to me? (So that will only confirm that I just blog to please a certain audience!) And if it's true that I do blog lately only to appease myself and release my repressed emotions as to not go insane, does this mean I don't want to confront my emotions now?

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