Tha Adventures of Migraine Gurl
Today, I’m more embarrassing than usual. I wuz havin’ one of ma migraine attacks in school, and a migraine usually means throwin’ up for me. Since tha CR janitress banned us from gettin’ into a cubicle fo’ fear of trackin’ mud onto her newly swept floor, we were forced to cram at tha entrance and stare stupidly at tha mirror while her floors dried up. And so three gurls watch’d as I made gagging noises at tha trashcan. One tall gurl in particular who met ma eye in tha mirror stayed and curiously watch’d and waited for me to empty tha contents of ma tummy. But just as suddenly, tha moment pass’d. Convinced that tha migraine pill ma friend had me take wuz fin’lly workin’ its wonders, I walk’d out wit tha contents of ma stomach still intact. But two minutes out in tha hall, I wuz feelin’ queasy again and so I ran back to tha john juz in time for tha tall gurl [who wuz still standing facin’ tha mirror] to triumphantly watch as I spitted out tha pinkish slightly digested migraine pill. Hell, she probably thought I’m havin’ a child. I diden give her tha satisfaction of knowin’ wut I had for breakfast though –that privilege went to maver twenty minutes later as I threw up undigested Burger King fries in tha car. [She came up wit a plastic bag juz in time.] Sick as I wuz, I hafta trudge along coz maver & paver already made plans to attend a bakery fair at tha World Trade Center. At first they plann’d to leave me at a booth that had lots of benches where I could pretend to be interested in learning how to bake from some German guy who wuz demonstrating how to bake. But ma back diden have sumthin’ to lean on, so I ask’d maver&paver to collect me & deposit me at tha far end of tha place where they serve overpriced food and they have matchin’ table-clothed tables and chairs so that I could eat lunch as well. Since each table had 8 chairs, I hafta sit wit a bunch of strangers. Tha first set of strangers was officemates –3 guys and a gurl. I tried not to listen but they were really loud like they were proud of their corny green jokes or sumthin’ and so I pretended to sleep instead. As they were about to go, I heard tha loud kikay gurl said, “Ay, nakatulog na siya, o!” I decided to try sleepin’ for real but ma bangle of fake crystals wuz startin’ to hurt ma forehead and so since I wuz alone at tha table, I stretch’d ma arm straight out on tha table before leaning on it sideways to sleep. I probably look’d like a drunk heifer for it wuz a while before a new set of strangers [two diff’rent families] sat at ma table. While I closed ma eyes, I felt and heard many things. I heard a gurl ponder over wut school I come from. [“Taga-ICA or ano..?”] I heard two women sitting on ma left giggle. I heard someone said, ”Usod ka na lang dito..” [probably evading my arm] I felt a plastic bag bein’ pushed against ma extended arm. I heard a son [probably 10-year-old] ask his mum for money for his food [squid and rice]. I heard a mother ask tha two women on ma left to try her carbonara which wuz supposedly tha restaurant’s specialty. Finally, I put an end to ma sleepin’ charade when I caught a whiff of wut smell’d like ma bro’s stinky socks, snappin’ ma head up in an attempt to find tha source and found each member of tha two families starin’ at me. To appear busy, I reach’d for ma half-eaten carbonara plate which I saw in a new light after tha PR talk I heard but tha fly on ma cup of Figaro hot choco made me wonder if it had been there on ma meal too so I changed ma mind and sms’d maver&paver to once again collect me instead. I think it wuz tha kid’s squid that smell’d like stinky socks.
After two consecutive days of postponement, I fin’lly had ma last oral thesis defense today. Good thang ma stubborn system retain’d some of tha 500 mg migraine pill so that ma head still hurt but not so that I feel like throwin’ up at Kiko tha adorable prof. And no traffic too unlike yesterday when I almost knew where I am and I wuz startin to figure out wut directions led to wut place [I, tha louse in all directions] becuz of too much traffic. And tha grade? Let’s just say that I’ve never seen a vertical line look so good specially right next in line wit its preceding vertical line which got there exactly a week ago.
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