Thursday, October 31

P. and G. had been bloggin’ about unexpected visits and appearances lately, and in the spirit of Halloween, I’ve decided to blog about mine today.Ma encounters wit tha unknown had so far been very limited. As an infant, ma bro told maver that a dwarf named Goldie, who is ma bro’s playmate had apparently pinched me, inducing a high-pitched wail from me. This, as you could see, is not a very convincing story since it is most likely that ma bro is just passing the blame for his infancy abuses on me. As of now, I had no memories of that occurrence whatsoever. I had always heard stories about tha spirits inhabiting our house. There’s that dwarf story of ma lunatic bro [Ma said he had a total of three dwarf friends named Poldo, Portia, and Goldie tha mischief maker.], Sightings of someone dressed in white by previous boarders and by our maid. Maver’s story of the invisible gate knocker. Ma aunt be-friending a white lady shortly before havin’ an epileptic attack. Ma cuzin complainin of bein’ tapped on tha shoulder while sleepin’ alone in.. (gulp).. this room. Another one of a different aunt havin’ sumkinda encounter in tha same room. Tha most recent one a week ago when ma woke up to discover someone hunched over in one of our sofa chairs. Me? Haven’t had any experiences so far until about a month ago when I heard 4 short, quick raps on tha wall in this room. Tha other side of that specific wall is an empty bodega room. And then earlier on, an experience about four months ago, around 3am when I suddenly heard a woman singing in a very lively and quite loud voice somewhere at ma left. I doubt it to be one of our boarders since no one could dare sing in that loud a voice at that ungodly hour in consideration of tha 44 other inhabitants all sleeping that night. I did not look for fear of wut I’ll find. Before that, I haven’t been getting even a peep from tha house spirits… Guess they took some time warming up to me first. What I think is that they reach me mostly in ma sleep, if not in person. The times when I get nightmares every night could be those instances. Ma dreams aren’t necessarily about ghosts and goblins. They vary, but they’re nightmares just tha same. I imagine that since we travel to tha third dimension when we sleep, they could easily join me and create ruckus whenever they want to. Just recently, after tha night-singing episode, I’ve decided to name tha house spirits. I’ve imagined there are three of ‘em in ma room. Spirits that are especially active at night in ma sleep. Two ladies named Lurecia and Gretch, and a guy named Drindl. Sometimes, when some of ma things get lost, when I just had a nightmare, and when I’m plain bored, I talk to them on ma mind. I figured out that since K mentioned sumthin’ about talkin’ to spirits bein’ dangerous, then it should not hurt to talk to ‘em in ma mind. [after all, spirits can’t read minds, can they?] I just hope they don’t read blogs. I imagine Lurecia to be tha one who’s fond of me, tha one who sorta protects me if she can help it, and Gretch to be the wretched one, kinda tha one who makes all nightmares possible. Maybe she’s tha one whom Lurecia protects me from. Drindl would be the passive one. Someone who’s barely not there. { I have turn’d into tha kind of lunatic person who had elves for friends!} I’d like to think I have not. All three spirits are figments of ma sembreak mode brain. It is just, after all, an attempt to name tha nameless.
Love these songs.

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